ADUS Newsletter December 2024

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Summary of Activities for the Year 2024

Another year of rapid growth comes to an end


New Partnerships, Awards & Expansions

During 2024, we noted an increase in our partnerships, expanded our services to nationwide coverage for our existing customers, and increased our staff with qualified personnel who contributed to upgrading our services. For the 3rd consecutive year, we won the Silver award at the Supermarket Awards 2024 in the category "Promotional Actions / Services."

Additionally, we included the North Aegean islands in our monitoring areas for National Chains, as these regions require systematic coverage due to their extended tourist season.

Presence at F&B Conferences and Exhibitions

At ADUS, we believe that what makes a professional stand out is the willingness to learn. We closely monitor developments and adopt new practices compatible with market conditions in the Food and Beverage sector. Specifically, ADUS executives visited top food exhibitions such as HORECA, FOOD EXPO, SIAL, attended conferences and webinars including the 15th IELKA Conference - Grocery Management in Turbulent Times, IPE 15th Panhellenic Sales Conference - Artificial Sales Intelligence (A.S.I.), and registered with chambers of commerce and platforms such as the Hellenic-Italian Chamber of Athens, Hellenic-Dutch Chamber of Athens, EASE, and Fortune Greece Network.

Corporate Social Responsibility

This holiday season, we are reducing food waste by better calculating quantities and organizing our shopping.
Thus, we save time, money, and simultaneously don’t burden the environment. With "Boroume" ("ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ"), we place special value on reducing food waste and protecting the environment. And of course, we support and contribute to this effort by filling bags with food and beverages, offering smiles to those in need, strengthening solidarity, and promoting sustainability.

Together, we can make a difference!


Each of our actions makes us more optimistic and determined to increase our positive impact on society and the environment.



Modern retail – Challenges and Perspectives in the near future
Once again, ADUS contributes to reducing food waste

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