ADUS Newsletter September 2019

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Dear Readers,

ADUS has been always working closely with the key Business Executives of every Company we establish a professional relationship to provide our services, in order to have an in-depth knowledge of their internal operating model and systems.

Through this process, we render ourselves capable to develop a tailor-made approach, and an effective geographic coverage offering innovative sales growth solutions with the appropriate support aiming at implementing every adequate activity within the supermarket chains.

Our sales and merchandising specialists are forming robust teams, and each of them works as an extension of every Company’s sales force by offering a wide range of in-store services with consistent and innovative actions that lead to sales growth, minimization of lost sales and boosting impulse purchases.


Indicative activities of ADUS sales & merchandizing team:

  • Product Category Management & Applying Plane
  • Secondary point of sale placements & additional views,
  • First Expired-First Out (FEFO) inspection - Removal of expired and damaged products
  • Check and record prices & report defective products
  • Confirmation of achieved outcomes and ongoing monitoring for all sales stages to ensure the planned results.

News & Developments from Greece to the FMCG sector

From “Evgefston” produced in Kalloni village, to «Stani» in the USA
Greek Products seeking for Brand Recognition from EU

International News & Trends to the FMCG sector

Protecting the Brand of Whisky around the world ahead of BREXIT
 Costco opens first China store, then closes due to crowds

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