The problem of fresh fruit and vegetable exports, which was created by the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the interruption of exports, is becoming more intense, according to the Incofruit Hellas Association.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

The problem of fresh fruit and vegetable exports, which was created by the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the interruption of exports, is becoming more intense, according to the Incofruit Hellas Association.


While a week ago the only solution for the exportable quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables destined for Ukraine was their redirection to other European markets, it seems that this solution cannot work due to other circumstances.

According to Giorgos Polychronakis, special advisor to the Association of Exporters of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables and Juices of Incofruit Hellas, the reduction in the purchasing power of European consumers is holding back imports, in an effort to strike a balance between energy tariffs and food costs.

The consumption of fresh products is slowing down throughout Europe

There is already a deceleration in the consumption of fresh products across Europe. In some Member States, consumption already shows a decrease by up to 10%. This is particularly worrying for Greek exports.

As a result of this event, the flows of Greek exports of fresh fruits and vegetables showed a decrease by 18,1% in the last week following the 11,4% of the previous week 25/2 – 04/03/22.

After processing temporary export data for the past three days 7/03 – 10/3/2022 compared to the corresponding of 2021, it is noticed that there is a decrease of exports to all destinations by 41,4% in kiwis, by 42,7% in tangerines and by 54,1% in oranges.

Source: Foodreporter #0688/2022-03-14