Greek Consumer has been always on move purchasing food products from a many different points of sales.
Food from many different points of sale, with frequent and frequent visits, chooses to buy the Greek consumer, which proves to be particularly mobile. This conclusion is derived by an interesting survey carried out by the Institute for Research and Trade in Consumer Products (IELKA).
Thursday, May 9, 2019
IELKA in the annual nationwide supermarket consumer survey, with a sample of 2,000 people, examines the multi-channel trends that have been made in recent years by the Greek consumer who, although trying to make use of offers and discounts from the supermarket, also visits other sales points .
The point of sale that all consumers are visiting is the supermarket, and only 1% say they never visit a supermarket. In addition, the average consumer:
- enters the supermarket 3 times a week or more. In fact, the majority of consumers choose two or more supermarket chains for their purchases.
- The second point of purchasing food with high traffic is the bakery. 43% out of the interviewees makes at least 5 visits per week, a development that is related to the daily bread supply (the oven is the predominant channel for the sale of bread), but also to the development of the bakery in shops with new products, e.g. coffee.
- The People’s Market records about 1 visit per week for weekly fruit and vegetable replenishment, with 78% of the public doing at least one weekly visit. It is the point of sale with the largest share of sales in fruit and vegetable products.
The specialized butchery-fish-grocery stores also receive 1 visit per week. The butcher shop stands out from the specialized stores with 77% of the public visiting it, while the penetration of both the grocery store and the fish shop is less, with 65% having one visit per week at these points of sale.
The survey shows that on average the consumer buys from 14 to 16 times a week of some kind of food from one of the points of sale examined. The distribution of visits is fragmented: the supermarket takes 21% of the visits, the bakery is 23%, the Popular Market 10% and the specialized shop the butcher, the fish shop, the fruit shop also 10%. It is noted that these points of sale do not include the Internet channel, which can still have low sales rates in Greece, but abroad it is the best-selling channel.
The HELCA survey points out that traffic is not translated into basket value as, for example, the bakery-bakery may have more traffic than the butcher, but as a rule it has a lower-value basket. The largest basket per visit is recorded in the supermarket, and in addition, supermarket chains may have about 21% of traffic in the food markets but also account for about 53% of total household spending.