Busting the myths of retail outsourcing
There’s an assumption that outsourcing comes at a cost, that the business will not be in control, that it is more expensive than deploying an in-house team, and that it is simply easier to just ‘do it ourselves’. Yet in the highly volatile retail sector, where consumer spending is influenced by many external factors outside a company’s control, the flexibility, cost efficiency, and transparency of outsourcing certain functions, such as merchandising and field marketing, can bring a wealth of benefits.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Myth 1: Outsourcing is more expensive
One of the most common myths is that outsourcing merchandising field staff is expensive. However, many companies fail to look beyond the agency’s costs which include indirect costs of labour such as field operations support and technology. If a financial analysis is undertaken, companies are usually pleasantly surprised at the cost savings that are gained from outsourcing, particularly for those with seasonal products as outsourcing offers scalable solutions that can be tailored around the company’s needs.
Myth 2: An agency won’t understand my business
Just as a soap manufacturer knows everything about the research, development and production of soap, a retail merchandising company has its core function specialising in retail experience that can add value across a number of levels. Companies should consider whether the business would benefit from focusing its internal resources on things like product development and outsource retail specific functions to a field marketing agency that can leverage its team of experts to help drive in store sales.
Myth 3: Agencies won’t build meaningful relationships with retailers
When it comes to retail, relationships can be crucial to getting stock ranged and on-shelves. Field merchandising teams manage multiple brands, scheduling multiple store visits and focus on fostering strong relationships with store staff at all levels from store managers to the category buyers and warehouse managers. The value in this cannot be underestimated, noting that leveraging relationships through an agency can actually be a huge selling point for outsourcing.
Myth 4: In-house teams are more efficient
The perception that agency staff are not as hard working as an in-house team couldn’t be further from the truth. A good agency has an obligation to be transparent and will prioritise accountability and efficiency due their desire to maximise their clients’ ROI. Companies who are concerned about team accountability should check what parameters the agency places around project timelines and staff shifts.
Myth 5: Agencies don’t consider long term sales strategies
Finally, one of the most valuable ways brands can benefit from a field agency’s retail marketing expertise is by asking the agency for input when developing sales and marketing strategies. While agencies can certainly provide short-term solutions by filling staff gaps during the Christmas rush, their expertise adds great value when they are invited to work alongside clients. The greatest advantage can be through collaboration and alignment with the brand’s future retail strategy. The data analytics extracted from an agency’s field reports and in-store observations can offer data-driven insights when developing long-term sales strategies.
With retailing currently such a challenging sector, it’s critical that brands use whatever tools they can to optimise sales and (contrary to many industry myths) field marketing agencies are one of the most effective tools available. With access to world class technology, extensive experience and knowledge in retail marketing, agencies are well placed to help brands achieve peak performance in retail.