Air New Zealand has been experimenting with coffee cups and mugs during flights that are edible tasting deliciously, because they are made of Vanilla Biscuit.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Vanilla-flavoured coffee beans are being experimented with by, both on its flights and on the ground, as part of its action to reduce disposable glasses. In partnership with twiice, also from New Zealand, Air New Zealand is piloting these biscuit-made mugs that are suitable for various hot drinks, they do not drip and can be eaten after the consumer have finished their drink. The mugs are also used in more than ten coffee shops across the country.

"The mugs have been enthusiastically received by the customers who have tried them and we also use them as a bowl of sweets", said Niki Chave, Air New Zealand’s Customer Experience Manager.

Plastic cups are over! It is noted that Air New Zealand has been serving about eight million glasses of coffee a year, while it has already replaced cups made of non-plastic raw material and paper cups on its flights and at airports. Indeed, this initiative is estimated to save the environment of approximately 15 million plastic cups that will not be disposed outdoors ending up to the landfields.